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Dougie’s Birthday Party

11:09 am Uncategorized

This was the first year we threw Dougie an actual birthday party. Though I have desires to be super mom, having a bunch of people and children to the house within a month of having a baby was not going to happen. So instead, we threw a soccer party!

The party was run through SoccerTots who did the soccer classes Dougie used to take. He absolutely loved it!!

Coming through the tunnel

Watch it or I’ll get you with the noodle

Grandpa showing the kids his moves

Dougie getting ready with the ball

Coach working with Dougie

Dougie’s cake (until this party, he though “Thomas” was just a train, someone told him about it at the party though and now he knows exactly who “Thomas” is)

Trying to blow out the candles

Some help from Daddy (I’m pretty sure some of the other kids at the table helped as well). Dougie is pulling some icing bits off the cake to start eating them.

Dougie and all the kids there had a fabulous time. We were so excited that it turned out so well. I’m not sure how much Dougie will remember of it but he definitely had a great time!

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