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Dougie’s 4th Birthday

Connie, Dougie No Comments

It is almost impossible to believe that Dougie is already four. I can remember holding him in the hospital when he was just a little tiny thing. He’s still pretty tiny but he sure is a lot bigger!

This year, we kept Dougie’s birthday pretty low key. We’ve only met a few people here and didn’t want to plan a party like last year for just a handful of kids. So, we decided to just invite family and keep things calm.

The day started like most of our days do. I tried to get a picture of Dougie holding up 4 fingers but he wasn’t quite into it – so we settled for a sweet smile instead.


We spent the morning playing and hanging out. Dougie inspected the gifts that were out. This one in particular caught his attention. He was convinced it was a cake.


He hasn’t learned the skills involved in present guessing. I assure you, it wasn’t a cake.

Dougie selected his own clothes for the day. His fashion sense is really developing.


Then, he counted the minutes until Auntie Lou arrived.

A small aside here, we told Dougie that he couldn’t open presents until Auntie Lou got here. Somehow, that got her associated with Santa Claus. We’re going to have to work on clearing that up.

Anyway, once Auntie Lou got here we had some hors d’oeuvres and then had some cake. Shockingly, we opted for a Thomas theme.


Connie hung out with Auntie Lou while Dougie blew out the candles.


Even Connie got into the cake experience.


Then it was on to presents. Dougie is a lot more into opening gifts now that he’s a bit older.


Connie and Auntie Lou helped a bit too. Dougie was so excited with every gift. He wanted everything removed from the packaging immediately.


It was a great birthday! We’re so excited to see what the next year holds.

Almost Four

Dougie No Comments

Tomorrow, Dougie is four years old. The future is so bright, he has to wear shades.


Almost One

Connie 1 Comment

Today is Connie’s last day as a baby. Tomorrow, she toddles her way into her second year.

Connie spent the day taking a few last minutes calls from her public.


Should we be concerned that she is trying to text this early?


Connie just discovered these chairs today and insists on climbing on them.


It’s strange, I can’t believe it’s been a year already and yet at the same time, it seems like Connie has been with us forever. We all excited to see what the next year will hold.