Christmas Cookies 2010 — Two Junior Chefs Are Better Than One
December 22, 2010 8:04 pm Connie, DougieTime for a classic Sharabura family tradition… making Christmas cookies! By this time, Dougie is an old pro at making cookies (heck, he has his own apron!), but this was Connie’s first shot at it. We’re happy to report that the cookies were delicious, nothing burned, and we only had a couple of over-sprinkling incidents (see below). First, we make the dough:
Measuring the lemon extract requires a steady hand:
“How does this thing work anyway?”
Salt — another tricky ingredient:
“Making snow” (also called sifting flour for those not used to baking with Dougie)
“I’m going to eat FIVE cookies!”
“Man, this is hard work…”
“Oh, gee, I’m not sure Daddy… let me taste one more!”
“Umm…. Daddy, I’m not so sure about this stuff…”
“Wait… you mean I can eat this??”
Then, we put the dough in the fridge for a couple of days (hence the costume changes for those who are paying attention!) Onward to cookie-making!
“I can make just one big cookie, right?”
Making cookies for the Cutie Pie Ranch
“I’ve got seven teeth… I can eat all KINDS of cookies!”
“We can TOTALLY fit more sprinkles on here….”
If it’s Christmas, we need lots of green, right?
Once the cameras stopped rolling, Dad applied a little bit of sprinkle equalization. The things we do to uphold a family tradition…