Happy Valentine’s Day
February 14, 2011 3:38 pm Connie, DougieIt’s been a long time since we’ve celebrated Valentine’s Day around here. It just not something Scott and I were into and with it being so close to my birthday, it was easier just to skip it. This year, Dougie found out about it and has been wishing people “Happy Valentine’s Day” for months. Clearly, we would have to do something in recognition of the day.
So, off to Michael’s we went to buy some craft supplies. We decided that we would make some special cupcakes to celebrate. So, one heart shaped pan, some cake mix and some icing later and we were ready!
While the kids were napping, I made the cupcakes. Once they were up, we pulled the learning tower over to the counter so they could decorate cupcakes for Daddy.
Connie went first (please ignore the big bruise, she had a run in with our slide and the slide won)
First, she iced the cupcake
Then I gave her a bowl of sprinkles to decorate, they went directly into her mouth
Good thing she’s cute
A little demo from Mum and she understood. First get the sprinkles
Then sprinkle on the cupcake
A few more sprinkles and the cupcake for Daddy was done
Just need to make sure it tastes okay
After that moderate success, I was ready to give it a try with Dougie.
He showed a bit more skill in the icing department
Until I turned my back for a moment
I took over the icing from there. Once that was done, it was time for sprinkles.
“Dougie, maybe you could use your hand and sprinkle them on.”
A little sprinkling lesson for him too and he understood what he had to do.
Wait wait wait, that is not it!
Hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!